
This is just a page for me to post all the funny stuff I come across on the internet. If I've found something via another blogger I will make sure to put a link to their page below the image. If you find something you think I might enjoy please send it to me - along with your name and blog/facebook page/etc and I will post it if it makes me giggle, which isn't hard to do lol. I just thought it would be a little fun thing to add to my blog and this way I can make surfing the net for silly stuff somewhat justified. Well Enjoy!!!

 Saw this one on another blog - TrailerHood Chic- It was actually what made me decide to finally make this page lol!!

 So true... that's why you should always pee before you paint :)

 Don't know why but this makes me laugh.. and think of a few people I know who should take this advice

Not beauty related but this is how I feel every Friday at work lol

 Again not beauty related but I love Cyanide and Happiness and just about all of the comics make me laugh

 Jersey Shore is a guilty pleasure of mine... but I still find this funny as hell lol

 My dogs do this to me ALL the time. My little one likes to snort in my face and blow his nose goo at me lol

 I totally remember this episode and it still makes me laugh!!!

 I think everyone started out like this, but practice makes perfect lol


1 comment:

  1. OMG...the 4th one down. That is me RIGHT NOW and most days of my life. lol


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